This blog post is a tribute to the least demanding person I know. Joanne, my mother in law, is 93 years old. She has 6 boys and raised them with incredible precision. Her lists for menus, daily chores, clothing choices, and more would rival any CEO in a major corporation. She was selfless in raising her kids, dedicating her life to making sure her husband and sons were well cared for. She never demanded attention. There was no time for that.
Now her boys are all raised and her husband has passed away. About 5 years ago, she moved to assisted living in a senior high rise. Initially I asked her if she wanted to move to an independent apartment in the same building. She said, “Why would I do that? I’m done cooking.” After 60+ years of cooking, I totally understand. 🙂
Five years ago, she broke her hip. This year she survived a severe femur break. Her mobility is limited now to short walks with a walker. She gets around primarily by wheelchair.
So grateful and undemanding
I enjoy visiting with Joanne and get there several times a week. One thing that strikes me about her is how grateful and undemanding she is. I’ve heard from some people that their loved ones have become demanding and ungrateful as they get older. Not Joanne. Virtually every time I see her, she thanks me for coming and says things like, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She is the epitomy of gratefulness.
Joanne never requests that people come and see her. She never asks her sons or other family members to call her on the phone. When they do come, she is simply so grateful. I have never heard her complain that she hasn’t had a visitor for several days. She is not demanding of anyone’s time. She apologizes to me anytime she needs me to bring her some essential products like shampoo or toilet paper. She never wants to inconvenience me in any way.
Don’t forget those people who are undemanding of your time.
When people are not squeaky wheels, we can easily forget about them. Joanne is not a squeaky wheel, and she will keep herself busy whether I visit her or not. But whether she is doing fine or not, she benefits from visitors, phone calls, and cards from the people who love her. We need to constantly remind ourselves of that.
Which kids are the quiet ones and what do they need?
There isn’t much difference between kids and elderly people. There are kids who will get our attention with behaviors that are less than desirable. We will see children who are engaging, loud, silly, and boisterous. There are also those undemanding children who meld into the woodwork, keeping a low profile. Those little, undemanding ones need our attention as well. What a challenge it is to give everyone what they need. I challenge us all to think about what the people in your life need today, whether they are demanding or not, quiet or loud.
Joanne has become my best salesperson. I suppose it gives her a purpose.
When I created Alpaca Pearl Packs for Peru and Alpaca Pearl Packs for the Poles, I, of course, showed them to Joanne. She is proud of my accomplishments and shares them with anyone she sees in her senior high rise. I envision her literally tackling people, asking them to purchase my new books. I get a phone call often from her saying, “I need some more books.”
I am not very good at marketing and never want anyone to be pressured into buying something of mine. My hubby has always told me to not worry about his mom being a high-pressured salesperson. He says that selling my books, not only helps me, but also gives Joanne a purpose. I am so grateful for her support.
A heartwarming text regarding Alpaca Pearl Packs for the Poles.
Joanne’s “marketing” has been so heartwarming, and so have the feedback I have received from others. I recently received a message regarding my latest Alpaca Pearl book.
“OMG!! I just finished Alpaca Pearl Packs for the Poles, and I love it!! Your manual at the end is top notch!! This book needs to get an award, and it needs to be marketed.”
This text encouraged me immensely. I am not a marketing expert, by any means, and I often get overwhelmed with how to go about marketing my many products. Any ideas? Send them my way! Do you want to surpass my mother in law as my best salesperson? 🙂