For families living in the Twin Cities of Minnesota
A word from Rachel Arntson, Speech-Language Pathologist and Owner of Talk It Rock It
I love working with kids and families. The last 25 years of my speech-language pathology career have been in early intervention (birth to three). I guided parents and caregivers to help their child communicate during their daily routines. I also worked directly with my young students, exploring which techniques worked most effectively. Brainstorming with parents on how to implement those techniques throughout their day was a major focus in my sessions with families.
Do you have a child with a speech and language delay? Would you like coaching or guidance in how to promote your child’s speech and language skills? I am available as a consultant for families in Minnesota if you have that need.
I also encourage you to contact your early intervention program or early childhood program in your local school district. Services are available if your child qualifies.
Feel free to contact Rachel directly if you have questions about speech therapy services. Her email is
Rachel Arntson’s Biography
Rachel Arntson, MS, CCC, has been a Speech-Language Pathologist in the greater Minneapolis, Minnesota area since 1980 and has presented her techniques in 25 states in the US, as well as Canada, and Ireland. With over 30 years of experience, she retired from her full-time job in early intervention with the Osseo School District in Maple Grove, Minnesota in 2015 to fully devote her energy to Talk It Rock It. She has presented to standing-room-only crowds at the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) national convention for many years, to the Division of Early Childhood’s International Conference On Young Children With Special Needs & Their Families, and was an invited speaker to the ASHA Health and Business Institute and the AAPPSPA American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology. She has presented a live webinar for ASHA entitled Music and Autism — Connections in a Disconnected World. In addition, she has presented for Northern Speech Services and at state conventions throughout the country.
Rachel is best known for her seminars on using music to enhance speech and language skills in children. She created Kids’ Express Train products after realizing her passion for music as therapeutic tools to help kids learn, and this has evolved into Talk It Rock It.
To contact Rachel for a speaking engagement, consultation, or just to ask a question, please email Rachel at