So much to do. So little time!
There’s so much to do in a speech therapy session that using a song sometimes becomes an
after thought even for me. Last week made me re-think the wisdom of letting music
sit on the back shelf. I’ll share with you the gift of using music and media in speech and language therapy.
Music is an Amazing Learning Tool
I have a little student who uses many signs but is essentially non-verbal. I am not
this child’s primary speech pathologist, but I make sporadic home visits when
requested by the parent, mostly for parent coaching. We discuss ways to improve
communication skills during daily routines.
On this particular visit, I brought my song request sheet for some of his favorite
song sets, Drills for Sounds Song Set 3. Drills_for_Sounds_1_Color
The Vowel Song –
The Vowel Song is his favorite, and he uses gesture shapes with his hands for each
vowel. Making sound on command, though, is difficult for him. Because he loves
this song, I also wanted to see his response to the movie of the Vowel Song from
Animation Station 1 & 2. Here is the song request sheet for Animation Station 2 from
that set. Video Request Sheet – Animation Station 2
Go to this page and scroll to the bottom to hear a sample of the Vowel Song.
(Go to this page to see a sample of the movies from Animation Station 1&2. )
Oh my! His attention was amazing. He was happy, animated, using gestures,
showing shared enjoyment with his mom, and attempting to vocalize! His mom was
thrilled with his response to this simple video.
Using Media with Children –
I have always had a love-hate relationship with media and technology, especially as
it relates to children. I do NOT believe in giving children limitless access to TV,
iPads, etc., but I do believe that media can promote learning. If done with consistent
parent interaction, media can be used to facilitate skills such as verbal imitation,
vocabulary learning, pointing, taking turns, performing daily tasks, learning to play,
and much more. Music and media in speech and language therapy can be effective tools is used correctly.
Make Media Effective –
Where music and media in speech and language therapy become most effective to our children is when we take those skills learned in a structured media task and implement them into a child’s daily life.
For example, if a child can now imitate the vowel sound, ah, using the Vowel Song
video from Animation Station 1 & 2 or in the audio recording from Drills for Sounds
Song Set 3, use that “ah” sound to help him request “on” to turn on lights, turn on
the microwave, or turn on the car before going for a ride.
If a child learns the prepositions, in, out, up, and down, using the song, In, Out, Up,
Down, from Drills for Sounds Song Set 3 and from the video set, Animation Station 3
& 4, use those words in his daily life. Say the words when you put him IN and take
him OUT of his car seat or when you hang UP his coat or take his cereal DOWN from
the top shelf in the cupboard.
A song or movie is only as good as how you use them to expand learning. As a
parent, you may get tired of constantly turning everything into a teachable moment. I
totally get that! I’m a mom of 3. 🙂 I just want to make you aware of the power of
music, the power of visuals, the power of gestures, and the power in combining the
50% off Sale PLUS a FREE video set –
I’ve talked about Drills for Sounds and Animation Station Sets 1&2 in this
newsletter. We are offering these two amazing sets for 50% off in the next 2 weeks. (expires 1/19/2019) You can order Drills for Sounds here.
Animation Station 1&2 can be ordered here.
In addition, you will receive Animation Station 4 for FREE! These Animation Station
videos have 2 files in them – one of which can be loaded into your iPad through your
iTunes player.
Have you been curious in how to use music and media in speech and language therapy? Now is your chance to start!
Coupon Code –
Use the coupon code, NewYear, at check out to receive Animation Station Set 1&2
and/or Drills for Sounds Song Set 3 for 50% off AND a FREE Animation Station 4
DVD. (expires 1/19/2019)
Reminder about our Blast Off Board Sound Sequencing Set –
The Blast Off Board has been a huge hit in this first year of production. Have you
checked out this set? It is excellent for sound sequencing practice with children
with apraxia, and teaches important pointing skills and vocabulary learning for
children with language delays and autism. Click here for more information about our
amazing Blast Off Board.